How to beat clear sky
How to beat clear sky

how to beat clear sky

It helps if you have a loud vent brake that increases your threat so the enemies focus the tower and not the fuse runnner. The key is drawing them away from the boxes and away from the final measure build plugging in the fuses. Until you kill the boss waves will spawn endlessly. Don't focus on actually killing the waves of enemies.

how to beat clear sky

The focus of these three players is crowd control. 3 people rush the tower near the back where the shotgunners come out. Alternate your stations to where they barely overlap as one person's skill goes into cooldown. This is key seeing as you will be going down a lot. Skill/Talents: everyone needs to run a support station with the revive mod and battle buddy talent. Here is the short version to a smooth run: I feel your frustration, but Clear Sky is definitely doable on heroic.įace tanking enemies is a thing of the past, so group strategy and composition is key. Sorry for my profanity, but this game can be the most frustrating game you have ever played. So, here I am, on reddit, again, and asking you.ĭo anyone have a strategy that works on Heroic Clear Sky? Because damn, Falcon Lost/Dragons Nest/Stolen Signal, they are a walk in the park compared to Clear Sky at the moment.

how to beat clear sky

A nuclear strike wouldn't even solve the issue.

how to beat clear sky

Hell, the fucking Navy Seal wouldn't stand a chance. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND MY TEAMMATES/RANDOMS/ DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. We've tried tanktician, heal strategy, move 3 ballistic shields infront of the carrier, and we've tried to 3 man on left side just to aggro turrets/adds and 1 guy trying to get the fusebox on right side, and many other strategies.īut we keep getting overrunned, flanked, sniped, hit, grenaded, mortar'd or gunned down by the turret - no matter what we do, The DivisionThe Rioters fucks us in the ass. It is literally a nightmare, And I've been having this nightmare for two god damn weeks now. The adds? They flank the fuck out of you and just jam their fucking shotguns up your butt and rips your insides out. And the turret 3 shots a guy with around 500k toughness. Rule 7 - LFG/Clan Recruitment Topic Filters: Discussionĩ months ago, you could basically SOLO the Clear Sky incursion, all you had to do was pop the survivors link and walk backwards. Rule 1 - Follow Reddiquette Rule 2 - Harassment & Witchhunting Rule 3 - Low Effort/Low Quality Rule 4 - Duplicates Bugs & Glitches Rule 5 - Self Promotion & Spam Rule 6 - Advertising, Selling etc. Keep it fun, keep it respectful and remember that in the end - it's just a game. The power to shape this community is in your hands.

How to beat clear sky